How Dental Implants Can Help Young Adults

Safari Family Dental
Dentist performing treatment

Losing a tooth can be a significantly traumatic experience, especially for the very young. Our body doesn’t naturally regenerate teeth. Currently, there’s no technology available to the public that makes it possible to do so. There are restoration options available for patients of every age. Unfortunately, those who have jaws that are still developing won’t have access to all of them. Dental implants are a powerful restoration option. However, it’s necessary to have finished your growth before receiving them. This requirement can mean a temporary restoration is used in the meantime. Find out why more young adults are exploring the benefits of dental implants as soon as they can.

The biggest concern of losing your teeth at a young age depends on who you ask. To the patient, they’re likely concerned about their appearance and the social impact it can have. Parents are generally most concerned about the potential expense involved in restoring their smiles. On the other hand, dentists are concerned about the long-term impact on the patient’s oral health. Our mouths are an integrated system, and losing a tooth can be a big deal. Each tooth in our mouth supports the teeth around it and plays a role in jaw and bite development.

When a tooth is lost while the jaw is still developing, you must support proper development. A standard solution involves the use of orthodontic appliances that promote the healthy development of oral structures. Oral exercises as part of myofunctional therapy are another standard solution. When used successfully, these treatments can ensure the jaw develops appropriately. This development is essential if the patient desires implants when the jaw finishes growing.

Implants are the best option for those who can support them, regardless of age. The titanium mounting post can last for 50 or more years, even as long as 80. While the crowns will have to be replaced multiple times throughout this time, the mounting post will persist. The health and vitality of younger patients mean shorter healing times and reduced complications from the procedure.

The benefit to young adults from getting implants to replace a missing tooth is significant. Healing faster is an essential foundation to the benefits they have. Others include reduced risk of infections like peri-implantitis. This infection is the primary cause of patients experiencing implant failure. In addition to these benefits, the oral health of younger patients tends to be better overall.

Reach out to your oral health provider immediately to find out if dental implants are appropriate for you. They’ll arrange to have you come into their office for an exam and consultation. During this visit, they’ll cover all the available options, risks, and benefits of dental implants. The sooner eligible patients receive dental implants, the better the results. Implants can provide a healthy smile that will last a lifetime while looking indistinguishable from your natural teeth.

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